Sandy cares a lot about staying hydrated when she is out in the sun! She has a strict skin care routine and drinks two gallons of water everyday. Sandy is all about summer but taking care of herself as well.
Sandy Watermelon is a vibrant piece of fruit plush with a juicy red body, embroidered black seeds, and fluffy green rind for a base. She exudes the summer spirit or enjoying a fresh piece of fruit by the pool or on the beach!
A lot of pals say that all water tastes the same... I strongly disagree. I love tasting all types of different waters: from Alkaline and Mineral to Sparkling or Distilled, I am always on the hunt for the best-tasting water, It's all about that pH!
Best Pal:
Gwen Banana™: Sandy Watermelon and Gwen Banana are the ultimate summer duo, both promoting health and joy in their unique ways. Gwen keeps you active and upbeat, while Sandy ensures you stay hydrated and cared for under the sun. Together, they make every day feel like a perfect day at the beach, full of energy, care, and endless summer fun.
How I was made:
- I am about 4.5" x 4.5" x 5" in size
- I am made from high-quality materials for a soft, fluffy touch.
- I fit in the palm of your hand!
- Own the whole #palmpalsparty collection!
- I hold bean pellets suitable for all ages to ensure my quality and stability.